Propane Price Insider

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Daily Propane Price Recap

Daily Propane Price Recap

Daily prices of propane in the major market hubs, crude and natural gas are reviewed and the interrelationships are discussed. The biggest drivers for propane prices are crude and natural gas. We show the financial impact and what you can expect.

Propane Pricing Commentary & Analysis

Commentary & Analysis

This includes charts, graphs, price analysis and reviews of changing market trends. We capture news headlines and give indicators of where prices may be headed. Also the impacts of propane, crude and natural gas fundamentals on the price of propane are reviewed. The futures markets for crude, natural gas and propane are provided with the equivalent propane value. Examples of risk management tools and strategies are explained periodically.

Propane Price Insider Flash Wires

PPI Flash Wires

If the market makes strong moves or surprising data is released you need to know now. PPI Flash Wires are short 2 or 3-sentence emails which have the important data in the subject line. You get the propane inventories recapped soon after the information is made public. We even provide crude, distillates, and natural gas inventory reports since they impact the price of propane.

Inventory report outlining Propane, Crude, Gasoline, and Distillates

Weekly Inventory Report

Each week we provide an inventory report outlining Propane, Crude, Gasoline, and Distillates numbers from the EIA. We compare this data historically to give you context as well as explain the immediate impact of the report on prices.