Registration is open for our 2020 Hedging Workshop!
Hedging can definitely make a positive impact to your bottom line. In our seminars we discuss how the hedging process can bring many benefits to your company. Profitability is just one of them.
The energy markets have become investment vehicles for banks, foreign companies, individuals (basically just about anyone). As a result, prices for propane will remain extremely volatile for the foreseeable future.
Most companies still sell to consumers the way the industry did when it first started. They buy their propane, add acceptable operational costs and profit and that is what the consumer pays. With this structure, consumers are left with the uncertain nature of energy costs.
Hedging allows for propane retailers to do more for their customers while maintaining and increasing their profit streams. Cash flow can be increased, profits enhanced and competition can have a harder time in stealing away customers. Those benefits are easily achieved with the proper programs.
We hope your join our sessions this year and see all the benefits of a proper hedging strategy.
Call us toll-free!
Dale G. Delay: 888-441-3338 (ext 1)
Mark Rachal: 888-441-3338 (ext 2)
Dustin Delay 888-441-3338 (ext 3)
We would like to tell you the benefits of the workshops but last year’s attendees do a better job! Read our Workshop Testimonials!